This week brings a dynamic shift in energy. Mars, after its long retrograde, finally stations direct, marking the end of a significant period of time, while Venus begins its own retrograde phase. Adding to the mix, a New Moon in Pisces offers a fresh start, though it has more reflective qualities as we come to the end of winter and the wheel of the zodiac.
Mercury is particularly active, engaging with multiple planets as it moves through a concentrated cluster in Pisces. Mental clarity may come early in the week, but as the days progress, the waters become murkier, making it harder to grasp tangible conclusions. Beneath all of this, the season of winter still holds sway—reminding us to honour its slower, more introspective rhythm. It’s a week of transitions, but patience is key; don’t be too quick to rush ahead.
Astro Highlights of This Week
Monday 24th February
Mars Stations Direct @ 17 Degrees of Cancer
A feeling of struggling to get going may lift as Mars shifts forward—momentum begins to build.
This will be particularly noticeable for Cancer rising, Aries rising, and Scorpio rising individuals.
Emotions could run hot, with passive-aggressive energy surfacing. A strong urge to protect and defend may also be present.
Tuesday 25th February
Mercury in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 20 Degrees
A productive day for getting realistic about plans and setting practical foundations.
Conversations may have lasting consequences—choose words carefully.
In Pisces, this conjunction can bring clarity but also moments of uncertainty.
Saturn lends structure and realism, while Mercury brings thought and communication—together, they can create a bridge between dreams and tangible reality.
A day with potential to give form to creative or intuitive ideas.
However, confusion may still linger—don’t resist it.
Trust that whatever you are experiencing is unfolding as it should; pay attention and go with the flow.
Thursday 27th February
Mercury in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus @ 23 Degrees
A day of sudden insights, breakthroughs, and unexpected realisations.
Uranus shakes things up, disrupts old patterns, and sparks innovation.
Mercury governs the mind and communication—expect fresh perspectives, flashes of inspiration, and surprising conversations.
Friday 28th February – 0:44am
New Moon in Pisces @ 9 Degrees – Squaring Jupiter in Gemini
The final lunation before eclipse season begins, making it an opportune moment to set intentions before things become more unpredictable.
This is the last New Moon of the winter season and the final one before the equinox—a moment of reflection before the shift into spring.
Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, symbolises endings, completion, creativity, and deep dreaming.
With Jupiter in Gemini forming a square, there may be a tendency to be overly idealistic or unrealistic when setting intentions.
Try to balance expansive, dreamy visions with the mental clarity from earlier in the week—Jupiter can amplify both wisdom and wishful thinking.
Saturday 1st March
Mercury in Pisces Conjunct North Node in Pisces @ 27 Degrees
A moment of insight into where you are being called to grow, evolve, and focus your energy.
The North Node signifies a point of hunger and destiny, where eclipses occur and where we are pushed forward.
Expect increased mental activity and messages related to this area of life—pay attention to what captures your curiosity or pulls you in a new direction.
Sunday 2nd March
Mercury in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 28 Degrees
A wonderful day for creative expression, especially poetry, writing, music, and visual arts.
However, it’s not ideal for making practical decisions—avoid major commitments and double-check details.
Neptune dissolves boundaries, making this a dreamy, imaginative, but potentially confusing day.
Venus Stations Retrograde @ 10 Degrees of Aries
The start of an inward journey—Venus moves from an evening star to a morning star, symbolising a descent into the underworld.
This phase resonates with the myth of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess who undergoes transformation.
Consider where this retrograde is occurring in your birth chart—are you a day baby or a night baby? This can influence how you experience it.
Venus retrogrades bring themes from the past back into focus. Look to previous cycles in 2017, 2009, 2001, and 1993 for clues.
In Aries, Venus expresses herself with boldness, independence, and fire—expect shifts in relationships, values, and self-worth.
If you'd like to dive into your personal astrological birth chart and understand a bit more about how these transits work with you more personally, you can book a reading with Hannah here:
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