There are many energetic cycles that influence us on a personal and collective level. Everything in the natural world moves in cycles and when we learn to honour and harness this energy we can direct it in ways that truly enhance our lives. Be it the cycles of the year and the seasons (that we explore deeply each month in our natures rhythms updates), the cycle of a day, the cycle of a life, the moon, the planets we can learn to consciously channel this energy that we are inherently a part of and surrender to the ebb and flow of life.
Though every cycle does follow the same archetypal stages (more about this in our free Natures Rhythms course), cycles are flux and there are cycles within cycles. So there is no one way or linear process to work with the energy. In this article I am going to demonstrate how we can start to layer this wisdom and insight and begin a beautiful dance with the universe.
We are currently at the height of the spring season, a time where energy is spiralling outwards all around us. It is a time of year, and in a cycle where, after the period of rest and nourishment as momentum replenishes and builds, everything is bursting into life. It is a strong, forward moving, persistent energy which energetically supports us in taking action.
Simultaneously, this week our moon cycle reaches its peak as we experience a full moon on Monday 16th May at 5:14am. A full moon, or the peak of any energetic cycle is an opportunity to release, let go, let your hair down and celebrate. Imagine the feeling of climbing a mountain, where energy is building and building until you reach the peak. Once you reach the top you can release that persistence and celebrate your achievement, its all down hill from here! This particular full moon is also a total lunar eclipse which brings a powerful ending.
A deeper dive into the astrological energy...
The astrological energy working with this full moon is super charging this opportunity to let go and transform and the persistent, assertive spring energy is supporting it with the power to break through habits, blocks and barriers once and for all. This combined energy provides an opportunity to take a deep dive and get clear on what you are leaving behind. It is a powerful time with a strong momentum that can firmly shut the door on things you may have never truly believed you could let go of for good.
As with all full moons, this is a time of polarising and opposing energy. This particular full moon presents a contrast of light, curious and vibrant aspects blended with a darker, mystical, shadowy energy. It is teaching the importance and value of balance and asking us to bring a playfulness to our approach, even in transforming the deepest, darkest parts of our psyche.
More than anything though, this full moon and total lunar eclipse is a call to action; to take responsibility for what we are contributing to the world. There is an abundance of energy supporting us in creating positive change. Every thought we have, every action we take creates our reality so let us use this opportunity to heal and transform with joy and playfulness. Directing this energy to enhance our lives, our wellbeing and the wider world!
Practical Ways To Channel The Full Moon Energy
The peak periods of time to work with this energy are 3 days before and for 3 days after the day of the full moon however the energy of eclipses are powerful can influence us for up to 6 months after!
Get clear - Take some time out with a notebook to dive deep and on that which no longer serves you - what habits, cycles and patterns are you done with? Next, take your journal or a separate piece of paper and get clear on what you are putting in its place, (the only way to truly break a habit or a cycle is to replace it with a new one!) keep it light and joyful, use only positive language in the present tense! After, make sure you get rid of your first sheet of paper. Rip it up, burn it (please do this safely) or throw it in the bin and hold the intention of releasing and letting go.
Embody - Use your favourite somatic and energy work practices such as Yoga, Energy Techniques, EFT, meditation with a clear intention! - What are you letting go of? OR what are you putting in its place? This is an opportunity to channel and direct the cyclical energy available through your body in a way that serves you!
If you're a member here are a few embodiment practices from the daily practice archive we recommend for this full moon! 🧘♀️ - Join here to gain access:
Here are some suggestions of practices from the Daily Practice Archive that you can work with to harness the powerful energy of this full moon & total eclipse. Remember, we all experience energy in different ways so take a moment to breathe, check in and let your internal compass guide you to the sessions you need the most at this time.
Get Clear & Let Go - Journaling & Meditation - 30 mins - A deep dive session of meditation and notebook exercises for you to go deeper into different areas of you life. The question 'What do I need to let go of' is a big one! In this class we take time to feel into three different areas to gain clarity on how are living them. Following the written exercises there is a meditation to settle into a spacious, peaceful body. - This session was filmed in Autumn under a more introspective energy so try bringing a your light, playful spring like perspective to the themes in this session instead! Perhaps set this as an intention before beginning.
Start Where You Are - EFT Tapping - 15 mins - Short on time or unclear on what you need to let go of? These cycles are working for you anyway and the transformation can often be unconscious. We don't always need to logically understand it. Surrender the what to the universe, use this session to meet your energy and emotions where they are and shift anything energetically through your body that no longer serves you.
Grounding In Sustainable Joy - Full Moon Yoga & EFT - 55 mins - OR - Embodying Joy - Energy Techniques & EFT - 15 mins - Two different length embodiment practices to channel the full moon energy and the opportunity to release and let go by replacing that which no longer serves you with a strong sense of joy, contentment and peace. Why not spend some time with your journal before you begin and get clear on what you are letting go of or that is no longer serving you. Then, set a clear intention before you begin to replace it by embodying the emotions that serve you!
Wishing you all a wonderful full moon! ♏🌕